2019-2023 A 机遇蓝图

We believe LYH is one of the best small cities in the country.
Every resident and business has the opportunity to thrive in LYH. 

To be the best small city in America, 林奇堡市需要一个深思熟虑的战略来争夺新的投资和人才. In 2018, the Office of Economic Development & 旅游 launched the 机遇蓝图, 五年战略行动计划建立在五个关键优先事项之上:发展本地企业, engaging anchor institutions, 填充劳动力管道, 提升地方质素, and communicating Lynchburg’s story to the world.

The world changed with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. 经历了这一切,我们一直与你们站在一起,致力于我们城市的健康和福祉. 超过75名企业和城市领导人挺身而出,帮助重新制定林奇堡市的经济发展战略. 你们提出了挑战的解决方案,并重申了我们社区的优先事项. 

Download the 2021 Blueprint Reset for Resilience

Download the 2018-2023 机遇蓝图



  • 安东尼·安德鲁斯,Twenty23
  • Rosana Chaidez, n.n.B. 方便的
  • Katie Conner, Virginia 旅游 Corporation
  • Ben Copeland, Lynchburg City Schools
  • Kenny Craig, Liberty University
  • Michael Elliott, Centra Health
  • Jeff Fedorko, Riverside Runners
  • Wes Fugate, Randolph College
  • Rex Geveden, BWX Technologies, Inc.
  • Jamie Glass, Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance
  • 肯尼斯·汉考克,美国.S. 管
  • Todd Irby, Innovative Wireless Technologies
  • Elizabeth Narehood, Central Virginia Community College
  • Pat Price, Churches for Urban Ministry
  • Mort Sajadian, Amazement Square
  • Sally Selden, University of Lynchburg
  • 迈克·谢得勒,太平洋人寿
  • Dustin Slightham, 434年营销
  • 杰夫·汤普森,C.B. Fleet, A Prestige Brands Company

A blueprint for opportunity is devised by and for the community it serves. While data analysis is important to determining trends, 优势和挑战, 来自当地企业和员工的输入为这一分析提供了急需的背景. 通过为社区成员提供一个平台来分享他们的专业知识和新想法, 我们希望在公众中产生对经济机会的普遍理解, 私人, 以及政府合作伙伴. 召集当地利益相关者的过程反映了我们在行业参与者之间建立有意义的关系的更广泛使命, service providers and anchor institutions. 我们与以下团体的对话代表了促进社区参与的长期努力的开始.

To arrive at a firm understanding of the City’s many 优势和挑战, 我们在林奇堡市举办了一系列圆桌讨论会,讨论了一系列详细的主题. Over the course of the interview process, we gave equal voice to public stakeholders, 私人 partners and community service providers. 加强我们的努力, 我们找来了史蒂文·斯图罗, 全国公认的经济发展战略顾问,曾为50多个城市提供咨询和合作, 大学, 开发人员, nonprofits and Fortune 500 companies to build more creative, innovative and inclusive communities. Our efforts also tapped into the expertise of the following key players:

  • 指导委员会. The steering committee consisted of Economic Development Authority (EDA) members, 当地企业, 主要的雇主, 大学 and entrepreneurs. 该小组每月召开一次会议,确定项目的总体方向,并就基准提供建议, 研究的结论, 集群优势, 目标行业, 策略, 愿景与实施. As champions of the City’s economic development 策略, 这些成员将与经济发展和旅游办公室以及其他城市部门一起带头执行该计划.

  • City Council and the Economic Development Authority. 与林奇堡市议会的对话有助于确定影响当今经济发展努力的因素. 委员会还考虑了林奇堡市作为一个独立城市所面临的独特挑战,并帮助确定了各种基准. 前进, 这些领导人将继续为我们的经济发展战略提供投入,并帮助确定支持该计划所需的资源. As elected and appointed community members, 它们是林奇堡经济发展和旅游办公室与公众之间的直接联系.

  • Startup and Entrepreneurship. We met with local entrepreneurs, 小企业支持组织和当地企业的创始人考虑是什么让林奇堡市成为一个独特的创业环境. In addition to identifying certain action steps, 我们的谈话确定了最需要人才或资本的目标集群.

  • 行业. 我们与林奇堡的主要雇主的谈话集中在影响跨行业发展的因素上. In addition to discussing the City’s advantages, including its skilled workforce and engaged business community, 我们解决了各种挑战,如缺乏交通或机场连接, insufficient talent pipelines and real estate constraints.

  • 人才引进. We met with workforce development professionals, k - 12教育工作者, 当地雇主和创意班的成员讨论是什么让林奇堡成为一个吸引人的生活和工作的地方. Our conversation centered on methods of talent attraction and retention, 特别是在创造“回巢族”公民(那些回到他们曾经居住过的城市的人)方面。. 另外, 我们专注于通过将当地企业与劳动力发展机会联系起来,改善林奇堡的技能管道.

  • 旅游与场所营造. Our tourism and placemaking session convened tourism officials, Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) representatives, 餐厅的老板, 历史遗迹经营者, recreation companies and downtown promoters. 在一起, 他们讨论了如何利用林奇堡的“地方质量”资产来推动经济发展. 与会者还讨论了使林奇堡成为游客理想目的地的障碍.

  • Neighborhoods and Urban Renewal. 我们关于社区和城市更新的谈话召集了当地的房地产专业人士, community 开发人员 and planners, 以及社区倡导者. 他们的讨论认识到林奇堡市是一个社区的集合,需要一个包容性繁荣的战略, which prioritizes the needs of all citizens.

LYH’s inclusive and prosperous future is built upon six values:

  • 机会. We commit to economic opportunity for all residents and enterprises.
  • 创新. We invest in the ideas and enterprises that create tomorrow’s solutions.
  • 协作. 我们在合作伙伴、企业和组织之间建立增值协作.
  • 弹性. We prepare for long-term economic health and sustainability.
  • 包容. We promote a sense of belonging and connection for all residents.
  • 公共投资. 我们投资于地方质量和社区福利,以支持创造就业机会和
Goal 1 - Support and Grow LYH Businesses and Destination Assets

The growth of existing businesses, anchors and destination assets are our number one economic development priority. 据估计,70%的工作岗位是通过当地企业的扩张创造的. 这些公司和组织已经在林奇堡市投资,是建立长期包容性的重要参与者

We will achieve success by:

  • 建立有效的关系和资源,以发展和扩大现有业务和目标资产
  • 为小企业提供实现长期可持续性和弹性所需的支持
  • Engaging anchor institutions to achieve shared goals
Goal 2 - Drive Long-Term Economic Growth and Resilience

LYH has a unique natural and built environment to support business growth. 然而, 我们必须继续投资于场地开发,以吸引对城市的投资,并在大流行后的未来提供就业机会. 伦敦金融城还必须培育和利用其真实的社区和文化资产,以推动目的地的开发和吸引

We will achieve success by:

  • Examining sites and infrastructure, including redevelopment opportunities, needed to drive business location
  • Providing tools to leverage investment by new and existing companies
  • Driving revenue through destination development, meetings, and sports tourism
Goal 3 - Position LYH as the Best Small City in America

Economic development is only as powerful as the story it tells, 尤其是在各个社区都在为人才和投资而激烈竞争的时候. To be competitive in a post-pandemic future, LYH必须传达一个令人信服的赌博十大平台排行,展示城市强烈的文化意识, 社区与骄傲.

We will achieve success by:

  • Implementing a city-wide brand and marketing campaign
  • 通过为居民和游客策划体验,将吉隆坡推广为一个有吸引力的目的地
  • 投资于场所质量,提升莱城作为生活和工作场所的形象